Mauro Martinuz is an Italian musician and composer. He creates musical contributions to complete works of art and enhance their messages. He writes, organizes and records music for theater, dance and video languages.
Since 2007, he has been building music, installations and sound design for Anagoor, Italian theatre company and Silver Lion award winner at the Venice Theatre Biennale (2018). He collaborated with the Russian movie director Aleksandr Sokurov in his only theatrical piece (Go.Go.Go, Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza 2016) and worked in the service of choreographers and performers. He deals with soundtracks, sound recording and mixing for documentaries (among the latest productions: Diga, by Emanuele Confortin, winner of two awards at the 2021 edition of the Trento Film Festival) and video art.
His stereotyped music leaves room for the power of suggestion: it is a music free from the search for a personal language in which every technique, compositional material and atmosphere are chosen to express fragments shared by a community. It is a music of the event that avoids formalisms and draws itself in space to give life to narratives sprouted from the skeletons of human experience.
Shuttle Service, King of Tuna and Cosmos 76 are some pseudonyms that he uses to manage the impulses of experimentation: from more rhythmic electronics to horror and sci-fi environments, what he prefers is the taste for the extreme, the search for evocations that they may arise from the precise use of a stamp, a technique or stereotyped melodic impressions.
Within Bottega Sonora studio, he takes care of music and sound design for advertising communication. He assists bands and musicians as a producer. He is active in the Satanic Theater and Eraclea band.
The music presses in tremendous waves, the beat of the sound increases with the heartbeat: something is about to happen, it must happen (...) From the very beginning, the show thus unravels a performativity that exceeds the film format, strengthened by the liveness of the DJ set by Mauro Martinuz who props up, caresses, scratches the frames, arranging a comment that always remains, powerfully, other than the image.
A continuous music that sinks into restlessness, absolution, meditation, storm, in a long twilight of human action drawn with wonderful purgatorial colors.
My attempt is to weave a 'necessary' sound score, not 'useful' (to detail a script, for example), or 'beautiful'. The sound and the music are part of that complex organism that is the artwork, where no element exists by itself, but it shines in relation to the others. It is born with the work of art, in some moments it transcends, but it is always and in any case the result of a collective work.